An article was published recently in Marathi local magazine by Suhas Sonwane based on daily Loksatta. The following is a gist of it, translated from Marathi.
Mr. Babasaheb Gawande, the founder president of an Organization of Marathas from Bombay called "Maratha Mandir" was a close friend of Dr. Ambedkar. Mr. Gawande asked Dr. Ambedkar, who was then a Law Minister in Nehru Cabinet in 1947, for a message for the Maratha people to be published in the Souvenir of "Maratha Mandir". Ambedkar declined saying that he had no relation with the Organization or the Marathas, but on persistent insistence, a message was given and published in the souvenir on 23rd March 1947. But unfortunately that special issue is not available in the office of the Organization today. But it was made available by Shri Vijay Survade recently and was undocumented till now.
Dr. Ambedkar said:
"This principle will apply not only to Marathas but all Backward Castes. If they do not wish to be under the thumb of others they should concentrate on two things, one is politics and the other is education."
"One thing I like to impress on you is that the community can live in peace only when it has enough moral but indirect pressure over the rulers. Even if a community is numerically weak, it can keep its pressure over the rulers and create its dominance as is seen by the example of status of present day Brahmins in India. It is essential that such a pressure is maintained, as without it, the aims and policies of the state can not have proper direction, on which depends the development and progress of the state."
"At the same time, it must not be forgotten that education is also important. Not only elementary education but higher education is most essential to keep ahead in competition of communities in their progress."
"Higher education, in my opinion, means that education, which can enable you to occupy the strategically important places in State administration. Brahmins had to face a lot of opposition and obstacles, but they are overcoming these and progressing ahead."
"I can not forget, rather I am sad, that many people do not realize that the Caste system is existing in India for centuries because of inequality and a wide gulf of difference in education, and they have forgotten that it is likely to continue for some centuries to come. This gulf between the education of Brahmins and non-Brahmins will not end just by primary and secondary education. The difference in status between these can only be reduced by higher education. Some non-Brahmins must get highly educated and occupy the strategically important places, which has remained the monopoly of Brahmins since long. I think this is the duty of the State. If the Govt. can not do it, institutions like "Maratha Mandir" must undertake this task."
"I must emphasize one point here that middle class tries to compare itself with the highly educated and well placed and well to do community, whereas lower class all over the world has same fault. The middle class is not as liberal as upper one, and has no ideology as lower one, which makes it enemy of both the classes. The middle class Marathas of Maharashtra also have this fault. They have only two ways out, either to join hands with upper classes and prevent the lower classes from progress, and the other is to join hands with lower classes and both together destroy the upper class power coming against the progress of both. There was a time, they used to be with lower classes, now they seem to be with the upper class. It is for them to decide which way to go. The future of not only Indian masses but also their own future depends upon what decision the Maratha leaders take. As a matter of fact it all should be left to the skill and wisdom of the leaders of Marathas. But there seems to be a lack of such wise leadership among the Marathas."
What he said about Marathas, equally applies to all OBCs, and still holds true after half a century. Dr. Ambedkar wrote much to educate the OBCs. It is only now that OBCs are awakening gradually. It must not be forgotten that the future of this country depends on them.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
NRI's tributes to Dr. B.R Ambedkar
Pravasa Chiranjeevi Organization instrumented in organizing this meeting inviting group of over 40 NRIs Software Professionals Engineers, Attorneys, Doctors gathered in Sunnyvale -Bay Area, CA Dr. BR Ambedkar photo was offered with flowers and paid tributes to Dr. Balasheb, The group also paid tributes to the victims of the Mumbai terrorist attacks and maintained 2 minutes of silence.
Srinivasa Manapragada Vice President and Official Spokesman of Pravasa Chiranjeevi Organization invited the gathering remembered about Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and spoke the need has come to the Political Parties to work for the unity and work in involving the weaker sections in leading the country and creation of social justice, quoting the quotation of Dr. Balasheb " Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government". Dr. Ambedkar who backed the word CHANGE and is from weaker section was chiefly responsible for drafting of The Constitution of India and a champion of Human Rights
Buchanna Gajula said "Dr B.R. Ambedkar predicted in 1954 that there could be potential terrorism from Pakistan and China". Then leaders would have taken enough measures to prevent terrorism, we would have lived in a better society. In recent Mumbai attacks govt. took about 9 hours to react to the incident. This shows failure of current leadership. The need of the hour for the country is patriotic, young and dynamic leadership to safeguard our motherland and overall development. While remembering Obama's victory, change is inevitable that the next Prime Minister would be from weaker section society as dreamed by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar".
Vijay Chavva, A noted NRI in Bay Area said Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was the architect of India's Constitution, an erudite scholar of philosophy, economics and political science and one of India's leading crusaders for social justice. His inspirational life story has motivated millions of Indians, particularly from the Dalit community to break the shackles of casteism in Indian society. Ambedkar was a prolific writer of political texts, a social democrat and a strict constitutionalist. His legacy is celebrated by millions of the underprivileged in the country today, who see Ambedkar political contributions as the most important reason for their struggles in achieving dignity and overcoming casteism prejudice. He is remembered for his various struggles against untouchables. His role in building India's Constitution, where he envisaged sets of constitutional guarantees, rights and civil liberties, besides clauses aimed at establishing equality through affirmative action, is indeed seminal.
Vunguru Laxmaiah retired employee of ECIL, Hyderabad and Political Contributor was on visit to USA and paid tribute. He said "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played key role for the development of the weaker and downtrodden sections of the society". And talked about present percentage of participation in politics by the weaker section representatives
Speaking on this occasion Guest Speaker Ram Kumar, Director of Ambedkar International Mission, USA remembered key events of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He reminded that Babashaheb was the father of Indian Democracy and his contributions to our country where every body gets equal right specially "Hindu Woman Act" for providing equal right to Hindu Women, reservation for weaker to provide them representation in every sphere of country development and help India develop uniformly. Ram Kumar also showed concern that due to biased reasons against him, Babashaheb has been known as weaker section reservation leader only inspite of accepting the truth that he is Nava Bharath Nirman leader and belongs to everybody and as his statues are more than any body in India, now world is recognizing his extraordinary contribution to world and for example Romania people are following Ambedkarism, Black Movement in America started after getting inspired by Baba Saheb. Dr. B. R Ambedkar ideas/literature was adopted by world leaders to bring change in helping weaker sections of the society.
Suresh Vuyyuru said "everyone to get unite and works towards the unity of the country forgetting the caste and creed. Palabindala Biksham spoke about the social justice and how it has become topic of the time based on the seeding done by Ambedkar decades ago.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Code
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was a veritable phenomenon of the 20th century. There may scarcely be a parallel indeed in the annals of human history to the saga of struggle that his life represented. Born in the family of ‘untouchables’, he could nonetheless scale the highest peak of scholarship, leadership and statesmanship. When the Hindu caste system had ordained severe punishment for his community for so much as thirsting for education and knowledge, he had secured the highest academic honours from the most prestigious universities of the world and thus conclusively refuted the basic premise of intrinsic inferiority or superiority based on one’s birth proffered by the caste system. For over two millennia, the Hindu caste system had perfected itself into a self-sustaining mechanism of exploitation that fossilised all the social relationship into a caste cauldron and in process had completely robbed the labouring masses like untouchables of their human identity. He had reclaimed for them this identity, breathed political consciousness and galvanised them into a vibrant movement that changed the course of Indian politics. In the epic battle against the vile and complex caste system, he had single-handedly performed the roles of a researcher, a theoretician, an organiser, a journalist, a politician, a leader etc. against all possible odds and still come out with outstanding results. He was among few who dared the contemporary might of the then Indian National Congress and Mahatma Gandhi and stood his grounds even in the face of threats to his life. At symbolical plane, Manu who was the evil enemy in this epic battle as the code giver for the caste system, had to concede defeat and make place for Ambedkar code in the form of the Constitution of India. Eventually, he enacted the biggest religious conversion in the history that ensconced him with his western attire at the place alongside Buddha as the spiritual deity for his people.
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