Pravasa Chiranjeevi Organization instrumented in organizing this meeting inviting group of over 40 NRIs Software Professionals Engineers, Attorneys, Doctors gathered in Sunnyvale -Bay Area, CA Dr. BR Ambedkar photo was offered with flowers and paid tributes to Dr. Balasheb, The group also paid tributes to the victims of the Mumbai terrorist attacks and maintained 2 minutes of silence.
Srinivasa Manapragada Vice President and Official Spokesman of Pravasa Chiranjeevi Organization invited the gathering remembered about Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and spoke the need has come to the Political Parties to work for the unity and work in involving the weaker sections in leading the country and creation of social justice, quoting the quotation of Dr. Balasheb " Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government". Dr. Ambedkar who backed the word CHANGE and is from weaker section was chiefly responsible for drafting of The Constitution of India and a champion of Human Rights
Buchanna Gajula said "Dr B.R. Ambedkar predicted in 1954 that there could be potential terrorism from Pakistan and China". Then leaders would have taken enough measures to prevent terrorism, we would have lived in a better society. In recent Mumbai attacks govt. took about 9 hours to react to the incident. This shows failure of current leadership. The need of the hour for the country is patriotic, young and dynamic leadership to safeguard our motherland and overall development. While remembering Obama's victory, change is inevitable that the next Prime Minister would be from weaker section society as dreamed by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar".
Vijay Chavva, A noted NRI in Bay Area said Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was the architect of India's Constitution, an erudite scholar of philosophy, economics and political science and one of India's leading crusaders for social justice. His inspirational life story has motivated millions of Indians, particularly from the Dalit community to break the shackles of casteism in Indian society. Ambedkar was a prolific writer of political texts, a social democrat and a strict constitutionalist. His legacy is celebrated by millions of the underprivileged in the country today, who see Ambedkar political contributions as the most important reason for their struggles in achieving dignity and overcoming casteism prejudice. He is remembered for his various struggles against untouchables. His role in building India's Constitution, where he envisaged sets of constitutional guarantees, rights and civil liberties, besides clauses aimed at establishing equality through affirmative action, is indeed seminal.
Vunguru Laxmaiah retired employee of ECIL, Hyderabad and Political Contributor was on visit to USA and paid tribute. He said "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played key role for the development of the weaker and downtrodden sections of the society". And talked about present percentage of participation in politics by the weaker section representatives
Speaking on this occasion Guest Speaker Ram Kumar, Director of Ambedkar International Mission, USA remembered key events of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He reminded that Babashaheb was the father of Indian Democracy and his contributions to our country where every body gets equal right specially "Hindu Woman Act" for providing equal right to Hindu Women, reservation for weaker to provide them representation in every sphere of country development and help India develop uniformly. Ram Kumar also showed concern that due to biased reasons against him, Babashaheb has been known as weaker section reservation leader only inspite of accepting the truth that he is Nava Bharath Nirman leader and belongs to everybody and as his statues are more than any body in India, now world is recognizing his extraordinary contribution to world and for example Romania people are following Ambedkarism, Black Movement in America started after getting inspired by Baba Saheb. Dr. B. R Ambedkar ideas/literature was adopted by world leaders to bring change in helping weaker sections of the society.
Suresh Vuyyuru said "everyone to get unite and works towards the unity of the country forgetting the caste and creed. Palabindala Biksham spoke about the social justice and how it has become topic of the time based on the seeding done by Ambedkar decades ago.